Casting the Circle
By Ishtar Tariel Nimara Ebonwing A ritual to cast the circle. Included for Reference. Used in 2007. Tools Needed: Athame (you can use...
The Great Dragon Grounding
The Great Dragon Grounding : written by: Tariel Nimara The Dragon is symbolic of the multidimensional magic that dragons enhance and...
The Sacred Unicorn Grounding Ritual
The Sacred Unicorn Grounding Ritual: written by: Ishtar Tariel NImara Ebonwing Imagine a cord extending from the base of your spine into...
Membership and September 2018 Pagan and Wiccan Calendar
Mabon: September 20-22 depending on the year (Autumnal Equinox).This is the fourth holiday of the light half of the year. This is the...