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Membership and September 2018 Pagan and Wiccan Calendar

Mabon: September 20-22 depending on the year (Autumnal Equinox).This is the fourth holiday of the light half of the year. This is the time to celebrate the middle of harvest and the earth's descent into winter. Harvest your bountiful meal and celebrate by making some tools. Honor your totems by making animal masks. Make your own bessom to cleanse your sacred space. Give thanks to the earth and make wine, gather dried herbs, collect seeds and pods. Take a walk in the woods and scatter offerings to the gods, animals and fae in your fields or local fields that have already been harvested. Give gifts of libations to trees and plants. Decorate graves or burial sites with leaves and local flora, seeds and nuts. Rich foods have come to fruition and the God is honored for the grown foods.

  • 1: Celtic Tree Month of Hazel ends

  • 2: Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins

  • 10: Birthday of Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

  • 14: Birthday of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, author of Three Books on Occult Philopsopy, in 1486

  • 14: Birthday of author Ellen Dugan

  • 17: Television welcomes Bewitched in 1964

  • 21: International Day of Peace

  • 22: Mabon, the autumn equinox

  • 22: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere), the spring equinox

  • 24: Full Moon–Harvest Moon at 10:53 pm. This a season to celebrate hearth and home. Brew up some comfort food, begin storing your harvest for the winter, and settle in for a month of thanksgiving.

  • 29: Celtic Tree Month of Vine ends

  • 30: Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins

As we prepare for Mabon in our area, we celebrate the bounty of the land.

Please visit our Membership Page to join Spiral Essence Coven for free. We are a non-denominational coven which began in Napa, California but has now expanded world-wide.


Outer Circle:

The outer circle is comprised of solitary witches, and other spiritual practitioners wishing to be associated with Spiral Essence Coven. The only requirements to be a member of the outer circle are to be respectful of each other, and always act in love. Members of the outer circle are invited to most coven events and all classes (which are always free). All you need to do in order to join the outer circle is join our Facebook group, by clicking the link below.

Inner Circle:

The inner circle is the core of the coven. Membership is free, however, members of the inner circle are required to help with periodic coven events, and help raise funds for operating expenses. Members of the inner circle receive special attention from coven Magisters, including birthday recognition, hospital visits, counseling, magick mentoring, special healing sessions, weddings, dedications, funeral services, and much more. In addition, the inner circle receives first priority registration when space is limited at events and classes.

To be considered for membership you must fill out a membership form, and have at least one member of the inner circle who will stand for you. If you do not know any members of the inner circle, come to events and classes, and get to know us. Once you have found an inner circle advocate, and completed the membership request form, the following process will take place before you are approved:

(1) Your application will be posted for all inner circle members to view in the members only section of the website.

(2) A private inner circle meeting will be held where your inner circle advocate/representative will speak on your behalf.

(3) A vote will be held. Applicant must receive approval by majority vote by inner circle and unanimous vote by the coven founders.

(4) If the inner circle has voted in favor of your application, you will be granted provisionary inner circle status. At this time, you will gain access to the "Members Only" section of the website. Sign up for an account using the name you used on your membership application. You will be approved within 48 hours and have full access to the website.

(5) Complete all the membership training

(6) Attend initiation ceremony. YAY! You're a full member of The Inner Circle of Spiral Essence Coven!

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