Esbats & Sabbats
Esbats and Sabbats are divided up. Coven members take turns organizing and running the different rituals.
Samhain: This is the beginning of the Celtic year. Nov 1 (normally celebrated midnight). This is the first holiday of the dark half of the year. This is the time to honor ancestors.
Yule: Dec 20-22 depending on the year (Midwinter Solstice). This is the second holiday of the dark half of the year. This is the time to celebrate that the days will only grow longer and winter is waning.
Imbolc: February 1 (the 2nd is groundhogs day). This is the third holiday of the dark half of the year. This is the time to celebrate the spark of life that created the God.
Ostara: March 20-22 Depending on the year (Vernal Equinox). This is the fourth holiday of the dark half of the year. This is the time to celebrate the fertility of the young god and the earth's renewed fertility.
Beltane: May 1 (May Day). This is the first holiday of the light half of the year. This is the time to honor the great marriage.
Litha: June 20-22 depending on the year (Summer Solstice). This is the second holiday of the light half of the year. This is the time to rejoicing in the power of light and life.
Lammas: August 1. This is the third holiday of the light half of the year. This is the time to celebrate the beginning of the harvest.
Mabon: September 20-22 depending on the year (Autumnal Equinox).This is the fourth holiday of the light half of the year. This is the time to celebrate the middle of harvest and the earth's descent into winter.
An esbat is a ritual observance of the full moon
Full Moon Names
Month English Names Native American Names Other Names Used
January Old Moon Wolf Moon Moon After Yule,
Ice Moon,
Paush Poornima
February Wolf Moon Snow Moon Hunger Moon,
Storm Moon, Magh Poornima
March Lenten Moon Worm Moon Crow Moon,
Crust Moon, Sugar Moon, Sap Moon,
Chaste Moon,
April Egg Moon Pink Moon Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon,
Waking Moon, Hanuman Jayanti
May Milk Moon Flower Moon Corn Planting Moon, Corn Moon, Hare's Moon, Buddha Poornima
June Flower Moon Strawberry Moon Rose Moon, Hot Moon, Planting Moon, Wat Poornima
July Hay Moon Buck Moon Thunder Moon,
Mead Moon, Guru Poornima
August Grain Moon Sturgeon Moon Red Moon, Green Corn Moon,
Lightning Moon,
Dog Moon,
Narali Poornima, Raksha Bandhan
September Fruit Moon Harvest Moon Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Bhadrapad Poornima
October Harvest Moon Hunter's Moon Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon, Kojagiri Poornima, Sharad Poornima
November Hunter's Moon Beaver Moon Frost Moon, Snow Moon, Kartik Poornima
December Oak Moon Cold Moon Long Night's Moon, Frost Moon,
Moon Before Yule, Margashirsha Poornima