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Cakes and Ale Ritual

Cakes and Ale Ritual

A ritual to honor and to ground


Bread (or cakes, cookies, Twinkies, whatever, natural is preferred though)

Ale (or other natural liquid, milk during the full moon, grain based during lesser sabbats)



Take some sort of (natural) liquid and pour it into the chalice/bowl and say:

We give honor in perfect love and perfect trust

May this nectar of the ripened fruits nourish us

The god gives of himself to create the vine

and joins with the goddess to make the sacred wine

Take a sip of the liquid then pass deosil to your neighbor and say “may you never thirst”

Next, pick up the plate of bread and say:

We give honor in perfect love and perfect trust

May this bread of fallen grain restore us

The god and goddess joined in honor and love

The cycle everlasting, as below it is also above

Take a bite of the bread then pass deosil to your neighbor and say “may you never hunger.”

If this is being done on a large scale, sometimes at this time you will have a feast. The first person to partake of the food is the one who finishes it off, sealing the ongoing cycle of life and death. A portion of each liquid and cake is left as an offering on the ground.


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