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People everywhere are awakening to their divine power, but find themselves isolated in their practice, and searching for answers. We are an online coven that embraces people from all over the world. We welcome all who seek spiritual family, have a desire to learn, teach, and be of service to others.
Coven members help each other grow in their practice, and aid each other in ascension. We hold online meetings, rituals, classes, and support for people on the mystical path. In areas where a Flight (local group) has been established, we hold in person rituals, classes, and healings. We also reach out to people in our communities through various social projects and ministries.
May clarity and wisdom blossom within us,
Open each eye to the glory of this world,
Cleanse us of our ills,
As the spiraling essence draws all creation.


Open our tender hearts to awareness,
Fill our souls with understanding.
May our life be of service to the Dreaming Song,
That music that fills our souls.


Open our lives to dedication and trust,
Hold our lives within your brilliance,
May we remember always, within us all,
The purity of the Spiral Essence!



The Spiral Essence Coven is dedicated to teaching, honoring or practicing the ways of Pagan Spirituality. We honor the Divine in whatever form they so desire and we strive to live harmoniously with nature and the Earth through love, conservation and respect. We wish to have a warm, relaxed environment that is conducive to learning and love.


The God and Goddess resides in all people regardless of age, race, creed, gender or sexual orientation.


We shall learn acceptance and devotion despite the trials that may withhold us. We shall know and understand that learning is about testing and battling our internal and external demons. We shall also know that we must stress our emotional and inner boundaries to grow and change in positive and loving ways.


We shall invoke the energies of the world and the divine around and within us to promote emotional, physical and spiritual healing. We will find comfort, acceptance and honor in the coven around us. We will learn and augment our personal strength with humility and temperance. We shall find magick in everything we do.


We shall bide within the Law, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.

....An We Harm None, We Do What We Will....


Non-Denominational Group

We are all on a journey together. As we travel on our respective spiritual paths (They are all unique and special based off your past lives and personal history) we join together and help each other learn. We provide support to each other. We share resources like books we like or movies etc. This coven is completely non-denominational but everyone must follow the openness and love needed to be a good spiritual family to each other. I think we are all in agreement to love one another and support each others spiritual personal choices. Even though we call ourselves a coven and provide a lot of wiccan support, it is not the only thing we do. Each person who joins us helps make our spiral wider and more wholesome. We call ourselves a coven. However, we actually identify individual groups as "Flights" rather than Circles.


Nonprofit Status

Fundraising Complete! If you want to help us fill out paperwork and do legal stuff, please message for details or volunteer.


President: Stephanie Small

Vice President: Jessica Acre

Treasurer: Jenna Bunker

Secretary: Heather Lobua

Advisory Board: Lavender Ervin

                             Nich'elle Wagner

                             Adie Bazor



The coven was founded on Dec 13, 2006 and the original members were Jenna Bunker, Stephanie Small, Jessica Acree and Nicholas Brusky. It has since opened to the public and serves the community.  In March 2018 the money was obtained to get our Nonprofit Status



Level 5 - The Triluna:

The founding members of the coven. Equal in status to a traditional Elder High Priestess. They embody the three archetypes of The Goddess (Maiden, Mother & Crone)


The maiden, mother and crone are different times of life and they have different powers, knowledges and skills based off of their growth. A goddess that suits each of these archetypes was used as title for the Founding members. They are equal in status to a High Priestess, Elders or

Ishtar (Maiden) – Tariel Nimara Ebonwing

Duties: New Member Induction (and support for those new members who need a sponsor to whom the Istar approves). The Ishtar is responsible for conducting Initiation ceremonies, completing new member paperwork, compiling the membership book and helping to maintain the Coven Book of Shadows. All new moon and waxing moon ceremonies should be given to the Ishtar for approval two weeks prior to the Esbat ritual. The Istar is responsible for helping to start the Coven Garden and watering it when necessary.

Click here for more about The Ishtar


Rhea (Mother) – Shealeyine

Duties: The Rhea is responsible for Ascension ceremonies. Other responsibilities include approving the membership book and helping to maintain the Coven Book of Shadows. All full moon ceremonies should be given to the Rhea for approval two weeks prior to the Esbat ritual. Spells involving pregnancy, the blessings of infants and the honoring or protection of mothers are the domain of the Rhea. Rhea is the Garden Morale priestess.

Click here for more about The Rhea


Cerridwen (Crone) - Cerridwen Dahmianna Nightwind

Duties: The Cerridwen is responsible for re-dedication ceremonies. Other responsibilities include approving the membership book and helping to maintain the Coven Book of Shadows. All dark moon and eclipse ceremonies should be given to the Cerridwen for approval two weeks prior to the Esbat ritual. Spells centered on divination are the domain of the Cerridwen.

Click here for more about The Cerridwen


Level 4 - The Assisting Triluna:

The apprentices & successors for The Triluna. Third Degree Witch with Elder status. Equal in status to a traditional High Priestess. Fill in for the Triluna when needed and assist with Triluna responsibilities. Will take over as full Triluna in the event that a founding member can no longer perform their position. 


Level 3 - Magisters:

Third degree witches who have chosen the path of clergy.  Equal in status to a traditional Priestess or Priest. They serve as the leaders and co-leaders of Flights. Flights are local groups of coven members living within certain areas. Magisters have a clergy license through The Church of Life, have completed all levels of coven training, and passed a background check free of violence, sexual assault, monetary misconduct, theft, or fraud. They act as coven clergy, support members, and host coven events in their areas. 


Level 2 - Inner Circle

There are three degrees within the inner circle:

Degree ONE: Neophyte - Brand new member of the coven. New witch with little or no experience or knowledge of the craft. 

Degree TWO: Adherent - Has completed all the introductory training , and completed level one training or tested out of level one training.

Degree THREE: Master -  Has completed all level two training, or tested out. Considered a master of the craft. Eligible for Magister training, if desiring the path of clergy. 


Level 1 - Outer Circle -

This is level one of our coven, it does not mean that all members of the outer circle are level one witches. Coven level is different than Craft Degree. In fact many third degree witches, and high level spiritual practitioners belong to the outer circle. 


click here for more about membership 


Establishment of Flights: 

A new Flight may be established by any Third Degree member of The Inner Circle who has completed Magister training, and passed a background check (free of violence, sexual assault, and monetary fraud or theft.) Flights are permitted to use coven funds to host coven events, as long as the funds have been approved by the board. The Triluna will only disburse funds directly to a Magister.



There are currently four flights (or groups) within Spiral Essence defined by location. This is just to help with event coordination and volunteers. Members are encouraged to attend events in any location.  


Bay Area Flight: Bay Area, CA (Vallejo/Napa primarily):

      Magister: Stephanie (Ishtar Tariel Nimara Ebonwing) at 707-712-6490 or email​


Mendocino Flight (Mendocino/Fort Bragg, CA): 

      Magisters: Jenna (Cerridwen Dahmianna Nightwind) at 707-560-1055 or e-mail

                         Lavender (Lavender Dawn Silverstorm) at 707-472-8293 or e-mail


Sacramento Flight (Sacramento, CA):

      Magister: Heather (Navaratri Ravenheart) at 707-533-6064 or e-mail


Arizona Flight (Based in Phoenix, Arizona) Contact: 

      Magister: Jessica (Rhea Shealeyine Dragonmember) at 480-376-6866 or e-mail               



The Coven Logo

(pictured at the heading of the website)

Picture and text By Ishtar Tariel Nimara Ebonwing


Astellara (winged unicorn) and Shedar (golden griffon) are featured in our coven logo at the top of this website. On the coven's 12th birthday the winged unicorn and golden griffon were given these names after an online vote.


Two supporters, the unicorn, a symbol of purity, and the griffin, a guardian energy, hold an intricate Celtic knot, Triskelion and Pentacles.  

A coven's logo should represent and augment a coven's mission and goals. It is a focal point for the group, incorporating dreams, thoughts and ideas that are present in each member. It is a tool for learning, educating and focusing the members. Each of the following sections details the aspects of the symbol.


The Triskelion

(aka Triskele or Triple Spiral)

The Focal point of the symbol is the ancient and powerful Triskelion (three pointed Celtic spiral), held lovingly in the caressing branches of an ancient tree. The Triskelion carries much in the way of symbolism. It can be the triple goddess (maiden, mother and crone), the triple God and to some the Holy Trinity (Mary, Jesus and God or the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost). Originally speculated to have been derived from Celtic or Gaulish influence, the Triskelion has been present throughout Greek, Roman, Italian, Spanish and throughout Europe. However, the design is simple enough and the number three sacred enough through so many cultures that it is difficult to locate the original birthplace of this sacred emblem.

This series of three interlocking spirals has a fourth spiral in the center. The initial large purple spiral is held in a circle to represent the circle of life (or womb). The Triskelion is purple for that is the color of Spirit, psychic power and magick. The white spiral in the center is the spiral of the coven, white for the beginning egg (and/or sperm) from whence we all derive from. Along that same vein to represent the coven, it also symbolizes the three founding members which have sustained their membership.

As a secondary effect, The center (darkness, the Triskelion and the small white spiral) displays the primordial darkness and the full moon shining --- with the Triskelion displayed atop the full moon. Second, it can is the eternal dark oceans and its spiraling waves and whirlpools. The dark Triskelion that lightens to the center reflects the change from the darkness to our inner light. It also represents the movements of the air and the way it shifts and the vortex the wind creates. It is also the bright pale parts of flames and the dark, cooler parts of the fire. Looking down on it, it could be a cauldron that holds the elements and the spiral of spirit within. It is also the darkness of the primal goddess and the begetting of the light, or god within.


Our coven is called Spiral Essence. Each of us believes in the spiral as the shape of all things at least at a minute level. Whether it is the spiral of the smallest atom, or if it is the spiral of the greatest tornado, the spiral is one of existence's greatest shapes. It is also the shape of a unicorn's horn, an animal liked by everyone in our coven, and loved by several. This  took a long time for me to devise and complete. I think it is one of my finest pieces. It maintained the simplicity and balance we were aiming for, yet created a complexity and duality that creates our own beliefs. The Triskelion is symbolic of the Celtic concept of the domains of material existence- earth, water, and sky, their sacred cosmology. Along the same vein its is their symbol of pregnancy (the sun describes a spiral in its movements every three months; a triple spiral represents nine months).


Spirals: Buds/Flowers, Nautilus, Whirl, Amanite, Tornado, Galaxy, Molecule, DNA helix, Animal Horns, Unicorn Horn, Tree Trunk Growth, Root and sprout growth, corkscrew, coils,


The Celtic Twisting Branches Knot

The overall impression of the focal point is that of a circular shape, representing the circle of life. A Celtic knot is both strong and delicately beautiful which is why it was used as the branch design. Each person is both strong, beautiful yet still delicate and full of life. The twisting branches can be considered either vine or tree branches. They represent the earth and the way it is both intricate with trees, branches, roots, rocks, animals and is in the eternal circular shape of the earth. It encompasses the other elements because it takes the sun (fire), water, soil (earth) and carbon dioxide (air) to sustain the tree (symbolizing life or spirit). There are seven knots in the twisting branches. Seven is a sacred number, the number of mysteries, occult and astrology.


The Pentacle

The pentagram is a five pointed star usually enclosed in a circle and it is most often a female object representing the element of earth. It is a powerful symbol of protection and each point represents the five elements, water, earth, fire, air and spirit. You can use it to consecrate other tools or focus your energy. Here is one common  way of referring to the points:


Earth: bottom left

Fire: Bottom right

Water: Upper right

Air: top left

Spirit: top point


It is also in the shape of a human body outstretched/spread eagle. The ancient symbol has been in Egyptian mythology and is still used today. If you have a pentagram on your palm, it is believed to be a symbol of magical potency in palmistry. The pentagram is the fourth sacred tool and also symbolizes union. Was honored by pythagoreans as the pentalpha.


The Unicorn

Unicorn is a god. He demands servitude and sacrifice. He stands out of reach, as fixed and brilliant as the stars. Serried ranks of unicorns keep guard like anthracite statues on the outer edges of our universe. Starlight catches on their horns; their molded flanks glisten with power.


Hail, Unicorn!  God of knowledge, a dark ghost on the fringes of man's consciousness, a pewter shadow in the leafless deserts of the mind.


        --- Josephine Bradley, In Pursuit Of The Unicorn (1980)

The Unicorn is one of our suppoters. It is the representation of the Goddess Aspect. It holds beneath its cloven hoof the Pentacle, a symbol of unity, detailed above.

The unicorn is one of the oldest mythological beings. It has traveled through lore as a single horned bull, antelope, horse, dragon and many other manifestations. It has been throughout Asia, Europe, the Americas and has pranced through tapestries, bestiaries, sculptures, paintings and more....It has been found on cave walls and has been featured in modern movies. It is easy to say that the unicorn is one of the most popular legendary creatures, and its popularity can only grow.


My first encounter with a unicorn was when I was little older than three. I was sleeping and I had a dream I was in a completely white room. There was a mirror that covered the wall on one side. I think it might have had golden edges, but its hard to say. Honestly, I was very young and I wasn't concerned about the mirror, only that I knew it was magical. I stared into it and suddenly I saw it warping white an silver. With a crash, I saw a magnificent white unicorn leap from the mirror. Shards of glass scattered everywhere. I think I might have screamed from the noise and glass. However, I was holding a stuffed unicorn and I know I was very happy. I don't remember any more of the dream.


Unicorns vary in appearance, but the most commonly accepted version is a single horned alabaster horse with a lions tail, beard and tufted legs. The unicorn has also been as small as a cat or been larger than a skyscraper. The unicorn has been a symbol of gods, demons, witches, Jesus and nearly every other archetype it seems. To me, the unicorn is the Horned God...or it is the sliver of the moon, whose sharp new moon shape is the sharpened horn. The unicorn is Artemis, Demeter, is the horse, the child, the fae....


Many people think that you need to be a virgin in order to draw a unicorn. This is primarily a Christian concept and although its origins are shady, from what my research has been able to tell me it is contradictory to the original unicorn idea. The unicorn may only come to those who are pure of intention and possess a virtue beyond that the body can hold. It has normally been a divine being of goodness, however, that also has changed over the years.


The unicorn first appeared in mythology 3000 BCE in China and there were active sightings up until 1820. Although many people these days attest to seeing the magnificent creature, they are often ignored or discredited. Regardless of whether or not the unicorn exists, it is a creature of inspiration and power. Either way, the unicorn is a powerful symbol for myself and for people everywhere.


Unicorn Traits: getting where you want, virile, penetrating, libido, strength, purity, power, magick, elusive, solitary, selfless, immune to poison, ferocity, rain, immortality, serenity, nobility, alchemy, innocence, sacredness, chastity, good fortune, new life, intuition, subliminal sex, religiousness, sacrifice, gracefulness, love, wisdom, trust, sensitivity, protection, dreams, although the unicorn is a female archetype, the horse-like body and horn are male symbols, representing a combination of male and female, or mystic marriage, best displayed by the Ki-lin. In some medieval mythology, the unicorn and deer in the forest represented the three-fold nature of humans. In this mythology, the forest represented the body, the deer the soul and the unicorn the spirit.


Godesses/Gods: Diana, Artemis (they pulled her Chariot of Chastity), Demeter (In some stories it is said that the cornucopia was inspired by the unicorn), Horned God, some moon gods and goddesses, Amalthea (more of a magical goat than god, whose horn was said to break off to form the cornucopia. Now, it is also the name of the unicorn in The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle, which has flavored modern unicorn mythology extensively). The triple goddess corresponds to the unicorn, in that, the three colors of the Greek alicorn correspond with the three colors of the goddess. The unicorn is related to Ra and Sirus because of the unicorn's relation to the Egyptian Obelisk. The horn represents the sword/horn of the Judeo god.


Astrology: During the reign of Englands James I and before, the female unicorn was accepted as a symbol of the moon. The sun and moon's nighttime dance was seen as a male lion pursuing a unicorn. As the moon waned, it meant the lion was eating away at the unicorn. Finally, the unicorn's horn would become deadly sharp, honing for the unicorn's defense (sliver moon, holy horn). Then, the unicorn would fight back, waxing, healing until it was whole and powerful. Then, the chase would continue again. During an eclipse, it was believed that the unicorn won the battle.


     The Lion-sun flies from the rising

    Unicorn-moon and hides behind the

    Tree or Grove of the Underworld;

    the Moon pursues, and, sinking in

    her turn, is sun slain.


— Robert Brown, the Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation (1881)


The unicorn is the spiritually advanced Capricorn. The two horns blending into one to create a single, powerful horn, this animal is called the “unicorn of God.” In Celtic moon astrology the holly tree symbolizes July 8-August 4 and is represented by the unicorn.


Elements: The unicorn's main element is Spirit (Energy, Akasha, ect). However, the unicorn's various powers attribute it to other elements as well. Depending on the specific unicorn, religious tradition and the individual unicorn has powers over other elements. Most unicorns display some kinship to earth and water.


Heraldry: The unicorn of heraldry was granted more nobility than previous writers had attributed to the animal. Following the lore of Physiologus's Christian unicorn, but giving the unicorn powerful horse-like hybrid strength created a newer, more powerful unicorn. The unicorn was on the English coat of arms, the Royal Arms of Scotland. The unicorn's aristocratic position was supported by the belief that the singular horn was representative of a singular monarchy or king...or a singular god...singular direction...ect....


In 15th century heraldry, the unicorn was often depicted collared. This symbolism may represent the raw nature passions of the unicorn being tamed. In more common images however, the chain binding the unicorn is shattered. This may mean that represent the breaking free of bondage and the refusal to be taken once again. 


Complimentary Creatures (These are creatures which are complimentary, adversaries or opposite the unicorn or its magick. They can create a yin-yang effect): Lion, Griffon, Dragon, Maiden/Virgin/Woman/Girl, tiger (Asian), dove (according to Jung the unicorn can shapeshift from a vicious unicorn into a gentle dove)


Associated Mythical Creatures: Dragon, Griffon,White Hart, Phoenix, Capricorn, Tortoise


Magick: Healing, protection, power, guidance, immortality, spirituality, Magick, concealment, purification, psychic power, gentleness, fertility, alchemical quest, curing the loss of innocence, sexuality, imagination, solitude, communicating with animals, knowledge of fauna, love/devotion, faeries, divination, serenity, dreams, astral flight, levitation, transformation


Locations: Beach, secluded/wild locations, meadows, glades, forests, waterfalls, under apple trees, faery realm, some “heavens,” Egyptian Obelisks.


Times: Dusk, dawn, 'tween times, solstices, equinoxes (particularly autumn, the unicorn mating season), moonlit nights, first frost, mornings, Tinne, Lammas, Sunset, sunrise, the full moon, August, dog days of cirus renders the alicorn as a symbol of power,


Flora: some flowers, apple, cinnamon, cedar, wild holly, wild strawberries, sugar maple, lilacs. (the unicorn is said to hide its treasure in a maple box buried under an apple tree), clover (especially red clover), apple blossoms, centaury, chicory, ferns, mosses, unicorn root (aletris farinosa)


Fauna: birds, nightingale, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, nuthatches, deer, horses, dragonflies*, butterflies, swans, peacocks* and colorful beetles*, doves, honeybees (because most unicorns love honey),  Tortoise, pheasant, sword fish, unicorn fish


The Griffin


"The griffin represents wisdom joined to fortitude, but wisdom is obliged to lead, and fortitude follow."

-Chassaneus by Alexander Nisbet


Drifting along a warm thermal, the horse-sized animal soars its wingspan casting a long shadow below it. Long amber hued wings spread in the waning light. Off its tawny golden fur, facets of pale light glisten along the feathers of dark brown that crest into a mane and point into its aquiline head. It sports a leonine tale, yet the lion's tufts of fur are replaced with long, shining feathers. The hind legs are that of a powerful lion's legs, thick and clawed. As its belly curves down into its massive chest, you see the fur of a lion give way to the powerful scaled legs and claws of a raptor. The talons that it sports are larger than bull's horns and sharper than knives. Landing on a sharp outcropping the majestic creature turns. Holding out its large talon, a crystalline pulse of violet energy coalesces then gives way to the  shape of a sacred pentagram. The amethyst energy of this protective symbol completes the image as the bird's piercing eyes turn to look at you.


Spellings for Griffin


gryphon, griffin and griffon


About the Griffin's Appearance


The griffin is a quadrupedal creature which most often resembles a cross between a lion and an eagle or other large bird of prey. Most often the griffin would have the body of a lion and have wings, front legs and the head of an eagle. The lion-like tail often has some feathering along the tail. The ears of the griffin are often tufted and are similar to horse's or ass's ears. The most notable reason these features exist is to


This chimerical creature possesses the quality of many animals


Eagle (wings, forefront): distant/strong vision (ability to see beyond this realm and also watch hidden treasures), speed, flight, dominion of sky, intelligence

Lion (hind end): majesty, courage, strength, dominion of earth


Variations on the Griffin (Gryphonic):


There are many variations on the griffin's appearance. Occasionally, there have been pictures of the griffin with a serpent for a tail, alluding to the chimera mythology. Some griffins have dragon-like wings or otherwise resemble dragons. The opinicus is a griffin with a longer feathered neck and with the front legs of a lion, not a bird. Sometimes, the plumage of the griffin changes and is not he golden/solar/sun hue. Aelian said that the griffin was white and the necks were blue of different hues. 


The most unique part of griffin mythology is how males and females differ. In many legends it was said that only the female griffin had wings. This dimorphism is best realized when comparing the male alce or keythong with the traditional more feminine griffin. The alce is rare and it has no wings. However, the keythong is even more rare. It is a male griffin that has spikes instead of wings and two straight long horns. In fact, many of these stories said that griffins were only females. In these stories they built nests and instead of laying normal eggs, they would lay eggs made of sapphires or agate. Sometimes they were said to lay three eggs which were greatly prized by nobility.


There is also the snake-griffin which had a lion's body, snakes head and the legs of a bird. The lion-griffin is more of a lion, however, it has the hind legs of a bird. The hippogriff (or hypogriff) is the mix of griffin and horse which was popularized in the recent Harry Potter series. This unique creature has the head, wings and front end of a griffin, yet its hind legs were that of a horse. The hippogriff is believed to be faster than the griffin or other winged horses. Normally, however, the horse was the griffin's favorite meal and it's more likely to eat a horse than try to procreate with it.


History and Lore of the Griffin


In Susa, Iran a familiar griffin form was found on a cylinder seal from 5000 BCE. The griffin first appeared in Egyptian art in 3300 BCE. Griffin or griffin-like creatures have appeared throughout early societies. Sometimes they are guardians or sometimes they are hunters. The homa, a Persian bird, was very similar to the Griffin and was used throughout their art and architecture. In addition, the homa was considered the guardian of light. The Scythians said that the griffins guarded the gold in the Scythian Steppes. They said that the griffins killed people who tried to take the gold. As proof, the Scythians presented petrified pieces of bone. There are several legends of gold hoarding griffins throughout the region.


Griffins appear frequently throughout art and craftsmanship. In addition to being featured in decorations or as guardians on a large scale, it was also seen in smaller arts. It was common in Greece to find griffin headed vases or cauldrons. It was also present in stories, poems and tales throughout the area.


Griffins impacted Christian theology in many ways as well. Griffins were said to be loyal and loving mates. They were completely monogamous and were said to never mate again if their mate died. This made them a symbol of marriage or remarriage. Additionally, because it was both mammal and avian, a cross of two different species, it was used as a symbol of Christ's mixed blood, human and divine. For these reasons, you will often find them on churches. The griffin was also said to be the adversary to the serpent or basilisk which was often a symbol of the Christian “Satan.”


Griffin Correspondences


Here are some metaphysical and traditional correspondences to help you greet, meet or understand the griffin.


Griffin Traits: guardianship, divinity, marriage, watchful and loyal, graceful and swift, rapacious and vengeful, monstrous and divine monogamy, wisdom, fortitude, vigilant strength, dual nature (living the divine and physical at once)


Goddesses/Gods: Sefer and Sefert, Apollo (pulled his chariot in some mythologies) and Nemesis(pulled her chariot and moved her wheel of fortune), Athena, Zeus (they were called the Hounds of Zeus), Pharaoh (pulled his/her chariot)


Elements: fire, air, gold


Heraldry: Wisdom Joined to Fortitude. One of the Queen's ten beasts. In heraldry a griffin always has eagle forelimbs. If it has leonine forelimbs it is instead called a opinicus. Having the griffin on the bearers heraldry meant that the person was strong and possessed the qualities of both the lion and the eagle. It was also said to instill fear in the enemy's horses. You can also have a griffin's head on your heraldry, differentiated from the eagle by its horselike leonine ears.


Complimentary Creatures (These are creatures which are complimentary, adversaries or opposite the griffin or its magic. They can create a yin-yang effect): Unicorn, horse, snake, serpent, dragon


Associated Mythical Creatures (other than complimentary creatures): Chimera (when the Griffin has a snake for a tail, it creates a similarity), alce, keythong, Hippogriff, Hypogriff, Simurgh, Dragon, axex, homa, hippogriff, cockatrice, winged lion


Magic: divine guardian, divinity,divine power, solar magic, protecting powerful magic/treasures, protecting the inner self, dominion over earth and air magic, fire magic, detecting poison (claws changed colors when near poison), Tree of Life magick, feathers cure blindness


Locations: wherever treasures are, astral space, places where gold is abundant, inner self, steppes, mountains, high places


Fauna: birds, lions, asses






The Wiccan Rede


Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.

For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again.

Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.

When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.

Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight.   Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.

Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.

Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.

Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.

Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.

As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.

When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.

Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.

In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.

Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.

Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.

With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.

Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.

These Eight words the Rede fulfill:
"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"




The Witches' Creed
by: Doreen Valiente

Hear Now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny's pathway,
That now we bring forth into light.

Mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide-ranging air,
By hidden quintessence we know them,
And will and keep silent and dare.

The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the magical ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat
Returns, and the witches are seen
At Lammas and Candlemas dancing,
On May Eve and old Hallowe'en.

When day-time and night-time are equal,
When sun is at greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned,
And Witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven's array.
Thirteen times at Esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day.

The power that was passed down the age,
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and the ages began.

When drawn is the magical circle,
By sword or athame of power,
Its compass between two worlds lies,
In land of the shades for that hour.

This world has no right then to know it,
And world of beyond will tell naught.
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
The Great Work of magic is wrought.

For the two are mystical pillars,
That stand at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of nature,
The forms and the gorces divine.

The dark and the light in succession,
The opposites each unto each,
Shown forth as a God and a Goddess:
Of this our ancestors teach.

By night he's the wild wind's rider,
The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades.
By day he's the King of the Woodland,
The dweller in green forest glades.

She is youthful or old as she pleases,
She sails the torn clouds in her barque,
The bright silver lady of midnight,
The crone who weaves spells in the dark.

The master and mistress of magic,
Thet dwell in the deeps of the mind,
Immortal and ever-renewing,
With power to free or to bind.

So drink the good wine to the Old Gods,
And Dance and make love in their praise,
Till Elphame's fair land shall receive us
In peace at the end of our days.

And Do What You Will be the challenge,
So be it Love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment.
By Magic of old, be it done!

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