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How to Organize a Ritual

Since our rituals are held each month by one of the coven members, we have provided a quick numbered list for those members to help plan the ritual.

1. Find a location to help plan ahead of time. With the coven, figure out where you want to go, so that you can plan arrangements and make all the necessary preparations. You should know about one month in advance what sabbats or Esbats you will be organizing, so you can

2. Get permission. If you live with somebody else, such as your parents, friends, or significant others, you might want to ask them before planning a ritual at your place. They need their privacy, too, and if they're not keen about the idea, host it somewhere else. Respect their decision.

3. Pick specifics in advance:

· Who. Be sure people know who's inviting them, whether it is just you alone or a group.

· What. Description of ritual: something that fits the theme, but cleverly sneaks in information at the same time. Set the tone of the ritual. Tell them a little of what you will be doing, what they should bring, and if the ritual is private or open to non-coven members. If necessary, give advice about specific clothing. For example, if your ritual includes some social events that might get clothing dirty, include that information.

· Where. Location of the ritual is crucial for those with transportation needs. Include address, directions, and even offer rides or suggest bus/subway routes.

· When. Include the time and date in your invitations.

· Why. If desired, include additional, personal information about your ritual. Be specific and give a strong reason, or multiple reasons, why you're hosting a ritual.

2. Make invitations. Hand make these or use a computer and send out emails. You should also make sure that your information is put on the Yahoo!Group's Calendar. The invitation should have a copy of the ritual attached, referenced or linked to it!!! Send out the invitation no later than two weeks before the ritual for Sabbats and one week for Esbats.

Optional: For hand-made invitations or pretty emails, figure out a theme, if any, for your ritual, and use the appropriate wording, pictures, font, background, etc.

3. Invite the Coven. Invite the coven! Send them the invitations and double check the event is on the calendar and will send out an reminder at least three days before the event.

4. Refreshments. Make sure you have food and beverages everybody can enjoy and the best thing is to organize a potluck. Simple treats such as cakes, biscuits, cookies, and tea are always good choices and can double for Cakes and Ale. Know your guests' dietary needs ahead of time. For example, if one or more guests are vegetarians, don't put meat on all of your ritual appetizers. You will at least need a cake/cookie or drink for Cakes and Ales.

5. Organize the Ritual. Engage all the senses and make sure you have the ritual ready and copies for all the participants printed.

· Sight: A beautiful altar, bright candles, objects that invoke a feeling or thought,

· Sound: Good music, make sure everyone has a talking, chanting or harmonious part of the ritual (and if possible, copy of the ritual)

· Smell: Incense, scented candles, herbs or flowers (check for allergies)

· Taste: Food, refreshments, cakes and ale and salt, chocolate or other grounding element. Have water for drinking for everyone in the circle. Have cough drops in the circle.

· Touch: Have something to pass around or have everyone engage a tool or object or have an interactive part of the ritual (not just talking).

· Psychic: Have some sort of grounding exercise that gets everyone “in the mood.”


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