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Romany spell to rid yourself of a persistent admirer

This spell is from the book, "The Good Spell Book: Love Charms, Magical Cures, and Other Practical Sorcery," by Gillian Kemp, Published by Little, Brown, & Company 1997.

For this spell, you need an item of your former lover's clothing. From the material, cut a square large enough to write his or her name on.

On the night of the full moon, light a pink candle. Write your admirer's name on the cloth.

Wishing your suitor well, burn the name on the material with the flame of the candle while saying:

"This light will burn out any flames of passion [name of person] has for me.

[He or She] is gone, I am free. "

Leave the candle to burn until it extinguishes itself.

To conclude the spell, the candle stub should be burned, or buried in the remains of the clothing from which you cut the square.


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