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The Sacred Unicorn Grounding Ritual

Image by Tariel Nimara AKA Stephanie Small

The Sacred Unicorn Grounding Ritual: written by: Ishtar Tariel NImara Ebonwing

Imagine a cord extending from the base of your spine into the center of the earth (or a tail from your rear going straight down. Sit up straight along this cord. Breathe from the diaphragm and your stomach (like you’re going to sing).Allow energy to flow from the earth through your center up through you heart and out your forehead spiraling up into a single horn up to the heavens.

Do this for a moment then:

Now, imagine your spine channeling that spiraling energy. Imagine your feet as hooves, I like to think of them as sharp, cloven hooves digging into the soil and sinking in a little. I sometimes imaging feathering along the legs that blends down into the energies of the earth. Then sink into yourself and allow the magic of the unicorn to descend into the earth's magics. The spiral is a very sacred symbol and movement. You can spiral your energy down into the earth, or you can descend down with the solid straight energy of a different unicorn breed.

Allow your hooves to move through the dirt, feel the dirt hold you aloft. Then your energy moves through the caves beneath the dirt, feel the air in the caves blow through you, energizing you…then you feel yourself drawing further down, to the water that runs through the caves. Feel the water flow through you…then you move to the very center where the great boiling center of the earth is…fire. Feel the fire blaze into you. Draw on all the elements of the earth to feed your roots. Let it flow from you feet up…up…up. Now you draw power up from the earth with each breath. Pull onto each of the elements…earth, air, water and fire. Feel the energy rising up through your spine. Feel yourself becoming more alive with each breath.

Feel the energy moving up through your body. Imagine great, sweeping wings that move out from your shoulders, then move back down gracing the earth. See your horn spiraling the energy out of your forehead and towards the sky. Feel the power burst from the horn on your head, and the power sweeping back down to the earth creating a cycle, and returning to its source. Feel your wings and the energy of the earth intertwine with the energies around you and the auras that surround you. You can now tap this energy.

Now, after you have raised all of this energy and used it for your ritual, there is still a great deal of power racing through you. Every time power is raised, it must be earthed. Earthing is another form of grounding. If this is not done, the force you feel as vitalizing energy turns into tension and irritability. In the final step before opening the circle we ground all excess energy. A good place to send it to is back to the Earth. Here is how:

Sit or lie on the ground and relax. Place your palms flat on the ground or just lie flat on the ground (floor). Keep what energy you need and let the rest sink through you into the Earth. Imagine the energy flowing down into the ground. Relax, and let the energy flow out of you- -deep into the earth from whence it came. Relax and let yourself drift peacefully.


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