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The Airts and Elements

T he Airts

Air: East (Aiet) Light. Air represents thought, ideas, youth and beginnings. This is also the period of Diana's primordial existence and her thoughts and ideas during this time.

Color: Yellow

Guardian Color: Red

Times: Dawn, Spring

Deity: This is the time of the Maiden Goddess and the young god.

Fire: South (Deas) Light. Fire represents change, manifestation, adulthood, creation and the activity of doing things. This is the period of Diana's creation of the god. This time of manifesting and making physical existence.

Color: Red

Guardian Color: White

Times: Noon, Summer

Deity: This is the time of the Mother and the Sun King.

Water: West (Iar) Dark. Water is emotion, parenthood, reaction and responding to the manifested. This is the period of the Goddess's reaction to that which she created. Se was filled with desire by the beauty of the God, light.

Color: Blue

Guardian Color: Grey

Times: Dusk, Fall and Harvest

Deity: Queen and Judge

Earth: North (Tuath) Dark. Earth represents wisdom, old age, understanding and integration. This is the period when the Goddess joined with the god by sending the souls into matter.

Color: Green

Guardian Color: Black

Times: Night and Winter

Deity: Crone and Sorcerer


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