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Moon Phases

Moon Phases

New: With the symbolic rebirth and renewal of the maiden goddess, this is the time for personal rebirths. Whether that is creating new ideas, clearing your home, projects or healing. You are renewing you power to do new and wonderful behaviors much in the same way the goddess does. This is the time to replace those bad habits you got rid of during the waning moon. This is also a good time to consecrate or dedicate you new tools or items you want to use for your events you will be having soon.

Waxing: This is the time of the maiden goddess who embodies youth with its innocence and purity and the flush of freedom. The power of the goddess is increasing as you gain strength when starting new projects, getting to know new people and as you too grow in knowledge. Self confidence, bravery and discovery are traits of this phase as the young goddess grows in both strength and knowledge. This is the time to cast spells for healing, building or creating. This is the light half of the lunar cycle. This is the time to cast spells to bring what you are seeking to you and drawing in our desires. This is the time when spells that help find solutions, success, healing, prosperity, wealth and learning are augmented.

Full: This is the powerful time of the mother goddess when fertility, culmination and power are strong and is the height of the waxing cycle. This is the time when the mother goddess is at her strongest strength. Spells of completion, fullness and the power off creation work best during this sacred time. Additionally, casting spells during this time are often augmented especially if they have to do with the home, family, fertility, love, nurturing, healing and psychic and magical powers. Most of the time you would include three days before and after the full moon as this time, however, that varies from tradition to tradition.

Waning: This is the time of the crone goddess augmenting magic, mystery and reduction. This is the time to cast spells that have to do with reducing, releasing, inner work, banishing negativity or sickness, removing or banishing. This is the Dark Half of the lunar cycle. This is the time to cast spells to rid yourself of unwanted habits, desires or limits. As the time between the full moon and the dark moon, this is the time honoring the crone goddess. As her powers lessen, she is growing wiser and preparing for death where she will be reborn on the new moon.

Dark Moon: During a "dark moon," the time of the crone goddess, the Moon is invisible against the backdrop of the Sun in the sky. The line between Earth and Sun may change the duration of the dark moon, between 1.5 and 3.5 days. The astronomical new moon can occur in the middle of this period, when the moon and sun are in conjunction, which is referred to as a dark moon to set it apart from the traditional new moon, which is the moment when the crescent moon is first seen one or two days after conjunction. Because there is no Moon in the sky (therefore there is no energy to draw upon), some believe this is "time off" for the witch. This is not a time for magick, but a time to relax, kick back and do nothing. While it is true that the Dark Moon is not the best time for magick, it is however the time of secrets and hidden truths. That makes it perfect for activities centered around meditation, divination, improving psychic abilities, past life work and shadow working.


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