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Magickal Tools

The Tools
A ceremonial knife or dagger symbolizing fire or air (depends on your tradition). It is a male tool. It is used to open the circle, close the circle or “cut yourself from reality.” During ritual it is used to direct energy and sometimes raise or manipulate it. It is normally a dual bladed edge and steel.  The handle can be dark so that it is easier to absorb energy. It is the first major tool. In Correllian tradition it specifically refers to air and its power of thought or decision. It is the Sword of Art and Phallus of God. It is the moment of first creation and the god as son and brother of the goddess. The athame is sacred to the goddess. Today, the athame often refers to any sacred knife and hilt color no longer needs to be black. 
Four Faerie Gifts (used in the Creation Battle): Nuada, the Silver-Armed, brought the Sword (athame, intellectual power). No enemy it was turned upon would succeed in battle. The Sword of Nuada is the intellectual curiosity inherent in humankind; the need to learn, explore, and communicate with others. 
A wand is made of wood, metal or other material. It is a male tool that represents air or fire depending on the tradition. It is used to invoke the male element and to “direct” your energy. It is used to direct energy, like the athame or to draw symbols, stir items in the cauldron or focus power. The wand is the scond sacred tool and in the Correllian tradition is the symbol of fire. It is the power of the god in his consort symbolism. It invokes the quarters and it used for ritual cleansings. 
Four Faerie Gifts (used in the Creation Battle): Lugh brought the Spear (wand, creative power). When thrown, it would never miss its target and it would always return to the hand of the thrower. The Spear of Lugh represents the urge to explore one's spirituality. It also represents one's creative urges, inspiration, and young fragile ideas. 
The chalice is a feminine object. It is some sort of cup or goblet that represents the eternal womb and the element of water. It is the sacred symbol of the divine mother. It can be used to drink libations, sacrament, in rituals or to scry. This is the third sacred tool. Sometimes symbolic of the holy grail. 
Four Faerie Gifts (used in the Creation Battle): The Dagda, the great Father-Lord, brought with him the Cauldron (chalice, emotional power). It would produce food for all who needed it, and any weapon dipped in its waters was immediately repaired. The Cauldron of the Dagda represents ones emotional health, relationships, and the need to connect with others. 
The pentagram is a five pointed star usually enclosed in a circle and it is most often a female object representing the element of earth. It is a powerful symbol of protection and each point represents the five elements, water, earth, fire, air and spirit. You can use it to consecrate other tools or focus your energy. Here is one common  way of referring to the points:
Earth: bottom left
Fire: Bottom right
Water: Upper right
Air: top left
Spirit: top point
It is also in the shape of a human body outstretched/spread eagle. The ancient symbol has been in Egyptian mythology and is still used today. If you have a pentagram on your palm, it is believed to be a symbol of magical potency in palmistry. The pentagram is the fourth sacred tool and also symbolizes union. Was honored by pythagoreans as the pentalpha.
Four Faerie Gifts (used in the Creation Battle): The final was the Stone of Faal, or Stone of Destiny (pentacle, material power). It was the solid foundation upon which this reality was built. Stone of Faal represents the ability to keep one's material life stable; this includes physical health, as well as achieving the means to support and sustain oneself. 
This is a functional, yet sanctified utility knife that is used to cut herbs, ropes and other uses. Normally the handle is white and it is a curved blade. It can be used to cut, carve tools, harvest herbs, cut branches and more. The boleen is sacred to the god due to its physical nature. This is not often in use anymore as the athame often fills this position.


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