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Color Magick

T he Colors

Colors- bright or dark, deep or light, regardless of whether it's a royal blue or a brilliant yellow, color affects us. It's a proven fact that colors have an affect on our intellect, and they invoke different emotional responses. Colors used in magick are similar in that they evoke a response, but keep in mind, response to color in an individual matter, so go with your instincts. The colors must have meaning to you. The magick of colors can be used in many different ways, and the use of colors in magick is only limited to what you want to use the color for.


Always burn at least one white candle to symbolize and reinforce the contact with pure spirit. Elemental spirits, Angels, Gods of wisdom, divination and prophecy. Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, protection, and clairvoyance. White can be a replacement for any other color (its all purpose). It represents the goddess, Higher self, purity, peace and virginity.


Elemental air. Deities for trade, travel, knowledge and magick. Vitality, change, progress, contact, communication, and trade. Confidence, joy, cheerfulness, learning, knowledge, mental clarity, concentration, speaking and writing and visualization. It is intelligence, the sun, memory, logical imagination, accelerated learning and the power to break mental blocks. Intellectual pursuits, confidence, travel, communication.


Sun-deities, solar energies, and masculine energy. Abundant self confidence, creativity, perfection, financial richess, success in investments, luxury, worldly power, magickal power, overcoming bad habits and addictions. It is the power of the god, promotes winning, the male power and happiness.


Deities of good luck and good fortune. Charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, achieving business goals, investments, success in legal matters. It is also general success, property deals, legal matters, justice, creativity, self Expression and selling.Energy, courage, success, willpower, imagination.

Copper or bronze

Love-goddesses, love and passion, positive relationships in love, friendship in business, career promotions, successful negotiations. This also includes professional growth, business fertility, career maneuvers, passion and money goals.


Elemental fire, deities of love, passion, self-defense, energy, protection, sexuality, fast action, career goals, lust, driving force, survival, blood of the moon and war. Courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertiveness, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility.


Magnetism, the ability to attract or speed up results. Life purpose, life path.


Love-goddesses, softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, affection, nurturing, planetary good will, emotional healing. Romantic love, friendship, peace, compassion.


Elemental earth and elemental water. Nature and fertility deities, Mother goddesses. Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, home, plants, healing, money, wealth, fertility, jobs, growth, luck, abundance, monetary success, mother earth, abundance, tree and plant magic, growth, personal goals and animals.


Changes, intellectual and intuitive insights, inventions and originality, renewal, brotherhood, humanity.


Elemental water and elemental air. Deities of the sea and sky, truth and wisdom. Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, good fortune, opening blocked communication, spiritual inspiration, guidance, understanding and patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, patience, happiness, psychic abilities, tranquility, changes, astral projection.


Elemental spirits, angels, and Gods of divination and prophecy. Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity and black magick, power, spirituality, meditation, magickal powers, deep healing, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, the connection to the higher self, hidden knowledge, the Goddess, the power to influence people in high places, astral projection, third eye.


Elemental earth, stability, grounding, grounding, strength, conservation, protection of household, family and pets, healing animals, finding lost objects, buildings, material increase, to make relationships solid, to increase decisiveness and concentration, to attract help in financial crisis. It helps augment the ability to gain special favors and to influence friendships.


Neutralizing negative influences, putting a halt to action.


Moon-goddesses, the Goddess, female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, remove or neutralize negativity, intuition, dreams, astral energy, female energy, telepathy, clairvoyance, psychic abilities and psychic workings.


Elemental earth, deities of the Underworld. Repel and banish evil and negativity, protection, breaking free from bad habits and addictions, binding, banishing, absorbing negativity, shapeshifting, protection, repels negativity, deep meditation, opens up deep unconscious levels.


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