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Cane of Protection

Cane of Protection

Cast June 27, 2007

This spell took about a half hour to complete, not including writing or preparation)

Magical Stone-Lapis Lazuli

Magical Herb-Sandalwood

A friend gifted another of my friends with a cane to help her while her leg was healing. The friend who had been hurt is one of our three coven members. A few months ago she had fallen and broken her ankle. She was just informed that she could use a cane to get around, but she didn't have one. Another friend, this one we've only known for a few weeks, heard about the situation and donated the cane. The cane was known to have served someone who was less than positive and had been used to hurt someone at least once. My other friend was in need of a cane though, and we had to honor the gift of the staff's use.

I was asked to cleanse and purify the cane. Already, the other person in the coven (not the hurt one) had cleansed it. However, we wanted to be thorough because of he cane's history. I started by handling it. I felt the energies and though they were faint, I could still feel some tentative energy still present. I decided to do something a little more than just a simple cleansing. I then spent some time away from it deciding what to do (about an hour). I practice a lot of what I call “intuitive magic” although I am not sure if thats the right term I wanted to use. I soon remembered as I was going about my regular business that I had left my beading box behind.

I decided that I would find an appropriate bead and attach it to the cane to assist her with her activities. I wanted it to protect her so she wouldn't get hurt, remove the negative energies that might be present in the cane and help her heal. I first started by returning to the cane. I shielded myself, grounded and washed down the cane gently with pure water. Then I cleansed it by envisioning light surrounding and filling it. Then I washed it again with some water.

I felt it needed more cleansing because of its negative origins. To this end, I envisioned myself as a golden dragon breathing cleansing yellow fire onto the staff, golden streaked with blue, healing and cleansing yet at first it was deep red and almost black as it dispelled the negativity. I called on each of the elements to cleans and purify the staff. I also held a silver unicorn pendant to the staff and called the unicorn who is my strongest totem to also watch and guide her. I softly chanted for all the things I asked for and called for those totems and the gods and goddesses close to me to witness my desire.

Then I looked through the bead box I had brought. Instantly, I found an already strung black, leather neckace with a pure silver chain that I had made and been saving, though I didn't have a use for it yet. There was also a lapis lazuli pendant. It was the first pendant I picked up and I knew it was the one. It was the only pendant to also have the loop large enough to fit over the cane. I took the pendant and cleansed and bound it to the newly cleansed staff with the leather necklace. It fit perfectly

I meditated a moment on it I envisioned the lapis lazuli with its power to protect, nurture and heal. Then I wiped it down with water, the purifying energy that also nourished and nurtured. I saw the silver, the power of the moon, binding it and securing it. I envisioned the black cord, sealing against negativity. I envisioned the animal which had given its life for that black cord, for this purpose, to grant her protection, and so I thanked it as well.

Today was also the day that Anteres beheld the Moon. It is the Heart of Scorpio, the constellations brightest star. The moon was traveling from Antares to Jupiter's path. It was a strong day for Scorpio and its regenerative powers. The power to rise from the ashes, as this cane would do. I envisioned the scorpion lifting up wings to become an eagle, then bursting into flames leaving behind the scorpion, lizard and eagle bodies to become the exalted phoenix. I burnt sandalwood, a herb sacred to the phoenix.

Then, I moved incense over the cane and envisioned my friend happy, mobile and moving about with it. I saw her happiness and wonder at being able to walk, feed her dogs on her own, smile and visit. I anointed the staff with jasmine oil, to promote love so that people would help her as she healed. I grasped it hard and told the cane what it's mission would be and i kissed it. I envisioned some small wood-like, calm, fayish being reaching to help with warm, steady hands. I envisioned other things helping her along her way, that perhaps even the world would reach to help her heal safely, happily and protected.

Then I reflected and earthed myself, and decided to write this so other people could help their friends if they wanted to. I carried the staff for a little bit and also gave it to my other coven member so she could care for it one last time before our other member received it.


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