Blessing Moon Ritual
Blessing Moon Ritual
Begin by clearing and releasing all excess energy from yourself then stand in or near the place you first wish to cleanse for your ritual. You can invite any of your Spirit Guides if you like. Take a moment, then decide on your intention and speak something like:
Behold, I do cleanse this place
Keeping pure this sacred space
I send negativity to the Mother
To recycle for something other
Visualize cleansing, white shining flames filling the room until it is simply pure, white light filling the area. You can see it as black “dust” and you can see the white light pushing it out of the area, back to the Deity where it can be used for other, more positive purposes.
If you have a besom and you would like to use it in the ritual, you can visualize the white light emanating from the besom and you begin sweeping counterclockwise (tuathail). You sweep out the black “dust” that is tainting your holy space by starting form the inside of your sacred space, then outwards. As you sweep, you can chant:
This circle I cleanse with this broom
May no evil now enter this room
Next, visualize the white light that has filled the room, filling now with a pure blue light and take your athame and draw a circle around you deocil, starting in the east, or walk the circle if its large. Draw the circle three times and as you do so, chant:
I do hereby bless this space
Blessed be to Mother's grace
From the mundane I cut away
To enter the realm of Gods and Fae
As you cut yourself form the mundane world and enter into the “magical” world, see the cut of the athame turning into brilliant blue flames and the blue light that was filling the room is now bolstering the blue flames, creating a powerful shield.
Now you call the quarters. You begin by letting brilliant alabaster light fill the circle. Start at the east and raise your athame and say:
Eastern Guardian of Air's power
Mind and Intellect's watchtower
Elemental of Air, I call to thee
Protect this circle from negativity
Visualize a column of light rising up and as this is for the blessing moon, you could envision them as sleek hounds in the guardian colors guarding your circle. Dogs are symbolic of loyalty, companionship and protection. Step to the South, raise your athame and say:
Southern Guardian of Fire's power
Passion and action's watchtower
Elemental of Fire, I call to thee
Protect this circle from negativity
Step to the West, raise your athame and say:
Western Guardian of water's power
Emotion's sacred watchtower
Elemental of water, I call to thee
Protect this circle from negativity
Step to the North, raise your athame and say:
Northern Guardian of Earth's power
Integration's honored watchtower
Elemental of earth, I call to thee
Protect this circle from negativity
Now, go stand in front of your altar and raise your Athame skyward and say:
Goddess and God celestial and above
I ask for protection, power and love
Now, light a white candle and say:
Full moon, mothering and bright
I give honor to your blessing light
Now, is when you should ask for what you would like to do or if you have a spell, this is when you would cast that spell. As I wrote earlier, this is the ideal time to cast spells to increase patience or to reduce irritation.
When you are done casting your spell, hold aloft the white candle of the full moon and say:
Shining moon, full and brightly gleaming
I supplicate in your moonlight streaming.
Grant the dear wish I greatly desire
By witness of air, earth, water and fire
Free will to all and harm to none
as I do will, my will be done
Now, make offerings and libations. Now it is time to thank the guardians of your circle. Begin in the east and raise your Athame:
Elemental of Air, I thank you,
If you are going, I bid adieu,
Stay if it be your will and remain
If not, then merry meet again
Raise the Athame to the South and say:
Elemental of fire, I thank you,
If you are going, I bid adieu,
Stay if it be your will and remain
If not, then merry meet again
Raise the Athame to the West and say:
Elemental of water, I thank you,
If you are going, I bid adieu,
Stay if it be your will and remain
If not, then merry meet again
Raise the Athame to the North and say:
Elemental of Earth, I thank you,
If you are going, I bid adieu,
Stay if it be your will and remain
If not, then merry meet again
Next, raise your athame aloft and point it heavenwards and say:
God and Goddess, I thank you,
If you are going, I bid adieu,
Stay if it be your will and remain
If not, then merry meet again
The circle is open, but unbroken
As I do will, so mote it be.
CorrellianWicca: Lessons for the First Degree
Llewelyns Witches Datebook Calendar 2007
TwinbornKristy's Esbat Ritual